Creating Better Food For Your Family

When was the last time you made food for your family that everyone talked about for weeks? It isn't always easy to design menus and prepare food that people will love, which is why a focus on healthy options can make a big difference. About a year ago, I started paying more and more attention to making different things that my friends and family would love, and it was really incredible to see the difference that my new cooking choices made. Now, I can honestly say that my kids love my cooking, and it has really brought us together as a family. Check out this blog for great information on creating better food for family.

Try One Of These Ground Beef Sandwiches

Food & Cooking Blog

When you think of a sandwich that contains beef, you might think of a roast beef sandwich or a steak sandwich. While these options are both popular, there are other sandwiches that contain other forms of beef. One example that you'll often come across at a sandwich shop—particularly when you visit a shop that is known for having a wide selection of hot sandwiches—is a sandwich that features ground beef. Here are three options in which ground beef is the star of the sandwich. 


If you're in the mood for a sandwich that features ground beef, one option that may catch your attention is a meatball sandwich. This sandwich is often available on a few different rolls, including those that are crusty to help the sandwich keep its form. A meatball sandwich has several individual meatballs along its length, and it's generally slathered in marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese. You often have the choice of having this sandwich broiled for a short duration to give the cheese a gooey consistency.


Another ground beef sandwich that you'll find at several different sandwich shops is a meatloaf sandwich. While meatloaf is a popular dish at diners, it also works well as a sandwich topping. For this type of sandwich, the meatloaf is generally cut into a few thick slices that are laid on the bread or bun. It will then often be covered in gravy, turning it into the type of sandwich that is best to eat with a knife and fork. Some meatloaf sandwiches also feature grilled onions, mushrooms, and other toppings. This can be a good sandwich to order on a cold day when you want something hearty to satisfy your hunger.

Sloppy Joe

In the above two sandwiches, the ground beef is formed into specific shapes—namely, balls and a loaf. Another sandwich that uses ground beef but that presents the meat in an unformed way is a sloppy Joe. This sandwich gets its name because it's not exactly the tidiest to eat. It's the type of sandwich that is best to eat in the restaurant, rather than in your vehicle. A sloppy Joe features loose ground beef with a sauce that has many different flavor notes. Ingredients such as tomato sauce, brown sugar, and Worcestershire sauce are common additions to the sloppy Joe mix, which will give each bite a sweet, tangy flavor.

Visit a sandwich shop to try these ground beef sandwiches.


8 March 2023